Behind the downfall of the Revenue Agency, Sogei confirms the failure of the electricity grid

Behind the downfall of the Revenue Agency, Sogei confirms the failure of the electricity grid

Behind the downfall of the Revenue Agency

Sogei confirms the line of the technical failure and the voltage drop, after the sites of the Revenue Agency, the Finance Department of the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the Customs and Monopolies Agency and the General Company itself on the afternoon of 30 March of computer science went offline for hours. Also some functions for downloading the green pass on the government website, the electronic prescription, the online betting network, the electronic invoice systems and even the website of the Italian Computer security incident response team (Csirt) were affected by the down Sogei.

Sogei has officially announced that: “The main criticalities found on the network have been resolved: the restoration activities of all the services provided are currently being completed. We are awaiting conclusions and final technical checks for the inefficiencies created by Areti spa that led to the interruption of the service. We apologize to users for any inconvenience caused and for those still in progress ".

The down of the sites of the Revenue Agency, the Ministry of Finance, the Customs Agency and Sogei Problems in Sogei, a drop in tension has started the sequence of problems. Disruptions also with electronic prescriptions, online bets and green passes, all supported by the public IT company Read the article The blackout Almost 24 hours after the incident, the company, 100% controlled by the Ministry of Finance (Mef) officially confirms that the The cause is to be found in a sudden and powerful drop in voltage on the electricity grid linked to a malfunction of Areti, the company that deals with the networks in Rome, controlled by multiservice Acea. Despite having uninterruptible power supplies in its data center in via Mario Carucci, in the southern outskirts of the capital, according to what is learned from the company, the sudden drop in voltage, which occurred at 14.07 as already reported on March 30 by, would have put ko the systems and compromise all the IT services that rely on Sogei. contacted Acea to find out if it confirms Sogei's version and if other companies in the surrounding area have suffered the same disservices, given that, as Claudio Sono, a researcher, observes on Twitter, there is an office nearby Telecom and one of Ama, the municipal company of Rome. However, Acea did not provide an answer before the publication of this article. To Giornalettismo, Acea stated that a "tension gap" had occurred in the area. “These are transient phenomena lasting fractions of a second which are among the disturbances allowed on the electrical distribution network. Areti is collaborating with Sogei technicians to investigate the case ”, Acea informed the newspaper.

According to, the restoration of services took place around 3 am on March 31st. However, even in the morning there were intermittent operations for the professionals who work with the online services of the Revenue Agency and the home page of the Csirt site, at 13.30, was loading with difficulty, as was able to verify. The user Farmacia Serra, who on the 30th had also reported the problems for pharmacies due to the blocking of the electronic prescription, writes on Twitter that the service has started working again.

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A critical infrastructure In Rome, tension is high after the blockade on 30 March. We are talking about about 13 hours of inefficiencies, if we start from the blackout at 2 pm to the reset at 3 am. What Sogei manages is in effect a critical infrastructure, essential for the proper functioning of the country's services. Among other things, Sogei is in charge of the national contact tracing system and the Immuni app, the package of platforms and services for the green pass, the Italy portal tomorrow dedicated to the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (available again on March 31 ), the electronic invoice platform. Sogei is headed by betting agencies and portals, such as those of Snai, Lottomatica, Sisal, for the provision of information services, because the legal gaming network (offline and online) is connected to the so-called national totaliser, which records in real time you play them. And it is managed by Sogei.

The Csirt website

Even the Csirt, the team that must enter the field if there are accidents on the cyber front and which in recent weeks is managing a continuous update on IT risks for companies and public bodies linked to the war in Ukraine, has been blocked due to the downtime of the Sogei plants. The published company, founded in 1976, includes the systems for the State General Accounting, the monitoring of public expenditure, in particular health expenditure, the software of the tax agencies, the Registry of the resident population, the spesometro.

And Sogei was recently involved in the consortium made up of Tim, Leonardo and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti to create the National Strategic Pole, the key infrastructure for migrating cloud data to the service of ministries, national public bodies, regions, health companies and metropolitan cities. A collapse like that of March 30 put on the alert who goes there from Palazzo Chigi down and placed the company led by CEO Andrea Quacivi and president Biagio Mazzotta in the spotlight, who therefore reiterated that he was an injured party in the case. The company also boasts many ISO certifications (international quality standards). The fact that a power failure has compromised the stability of its services throws a disturbing light on what happened in the data center in Via Carucci. As Matteo Flora, digital expert and entrepreneur, observes in one of his videos: "Nobody puts in one place the essential services for the management of the country system".

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The numbers In 2020, the latest data available, Sogei declared an annual turnover of 626 million euros, a profit of 27 million and a workforce of 2,210 employees. To get an idea of ​​the extent of a block in Sogei, just scroll through some of its numbers: 353,446 registered users and 36 million broadcasts on Entratel, one of the services of the Revenue Agency together with Fisconline, which has 9 users, 5 million. In general, 45 million taxpayers belong to the tax systems. 29 million invoices passed through the electronic invoice interchange system in 2020. There were 350 thousand horse racing and sports events linked to the world of betting and games, for 58,423 registered operators and a betting round of 10 billion euros.

If there were other public administration sites out of use, they can also be reported to our editorial staff through social media channels. Anyone with information that they want to share securely can use WiredLeaks.

WiredLeaks, how to send us an anonymous report Read the article [Article updated at 3 pm with the resumption of Journalism]
